Our Story

The authentic taste of tradition

The story of the Società Agricola Saliceto is deeply rooted in the land.
Based on the traditions and expertise passed down from our grandparents, our Parmigiano-Reggiano offers a taste of history, created with the utmost attention to detail and respect for the environment. From raising and feeding the cattle to farming the land, our family's legacy plays a vital role in the quality of our cheese.

  • 1960Starting in the 1960s

    as an artisan cheesemaker, by the 1980s we had moved into processing, using only the milk from our family's land to maintain a short, sustainable and high-quality production chain.
  • 2005With the passing years

    We have adopted new tools, but we have always stayed true to our core philosophy: respect for nature. In 2005, we overhauled our livestock system, implementing "free stalls" to improve animal welfare: the cows are not restrained and are free to move, eat and rest in their stalls, reducing stress for both the animals and the farmer.
  • Until todayFor the past few years

    our company has been walking the line between technology and tradition: thanks to modern software and advanced machinery, we can manage every aspect of farming and production with the utmost respect for the land, to produce high-quality Parmigiano-Reggiano while staying true to tradition.

Let's keep in touch!

We believe that good food is worth sharing, and we love to share our passion for traditional local products.
So if you want to receive recipes, news and facts about the King of Cheeses, leave us your email address!
We will guard your data as closely as we guard the secret of our traditional Parmesan!

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